Main goals of ENVIENTA project?
Open Source hardware development: the main goal of ENVIENTA project is to boost open source hardware development and to propagate open source. We believe that if knowledge is a common property, everyone can have the best of it in long-term.
That’s why our slogan is: Open Source Everything.
Decentralised production: Transportation and production costs might be declined by decentralised production of open source hardwares. The cooperation with local manufacturers might occur boom in the region, increasing employment rate mediately. Beside price reduction, the ecological footprint might be decreased, too. Local economy might increase, generating significant social benefits.
Solutions for social problems and sustainability: Since its start, ENVIENTA project pays special attention to solutions of actual social challenges. We are aiming to provide solutions for everyone, via the above mentioned components (open source and decentralised production), such as low-cost and sustainable living, local food and energy production or global water shortage. We believe that solving these challenges is possible and we want to be part of it.